We are so glad that you have chosen to worship with us.
At Haverhill Christian Church, we are a family. You will find that we are just a group of everyday people who gather together regularly to worship Jesus, study the Bible, and share life together. Our desire is that you feel welcome and wanted, and that you are touched by God's love and presence as you join us.
Please click the button below and fill out an electronic Visitor Connect Card so we can get to know you!
The first 20 minutes of our Sunday mornings are devoted to worshipping the Lord in song, prayer, and the reading of His Word.
Our music is contemporary in style with hymns often included in our time of praise..
You can check out past live streams on our YouTube Channel to get an idea of what our worship experience is like.
We partake of the Lord's Supper each week in remembrance and in proclamation of the Lord's death until He returns.
Each row will be released in order to walk to the back of the room where there are two tables with the bread and the juice.
We invite all followers of Jesus who have been immersed into Him to join us!
Each week a message is shared from the Bible in order to equip God's people for works of ministry as we grow in unity with one another and spiritual maturity in Christ.
God's Word is alive and powerful, useful for training in truth even in today's world.
If you do not have a Bible of your own we will be happy to supply you with one!
The word "fellowship" simply means "sharing", so we encourage everyone to stick around after service to meet other families and individuals with whom to share, encourage, and pray.
Following service on the first Sunday of the month we have a potluck fellowship lunch together.
Our desire is that our church be a place where you can experience the love of Jesus and find a loving family.
We provide a Children's Church during our Sunday service with a lesson geared for kids. At our church, though, the kids stay in worship with us until right before the lesson. At that time they are released from service and led by the Children's Church leader to their class.
Our goal is to provide a place where the children participate in worship with the whole body, but also learn and grow in an environment appropriately tailored for their age.
![Nathan Slaughter](https://www.haverhill.church/media/nathan.png)